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“A good partner will be able to complement what you offer rather than compete with it”

As a business owner, you are probably familiar with the challenge of growing your business and customer base to the next level. You may have also heard that strategic partnerships can help companies grow faster and more efficiently than they would have organically. But what exactly is a strategic partnership? And how can it benefit your business?

Strategic partnerships are when two or more companies work together in a mutually beneficial way to achieve their business goals. Some examples of strategic partnerships include creating a new company together (joint venture) or exchanging ownership in each other’s companies (equity partnerships). Other examples are working together to promote a product or service, or collaborating to improve supply chain operations, etc.

The benefits of strategic partnerships

While strategic partnerships may seem like an obvious choice for companies looking at growth opportunities, there are still many business owners who aren’t sure how or why they should approach such an opportunity.

Here are some reasons why strategic partnerships can benefit your business:

  • Increased exposure and brand recognition. Partnering with a bigger name in the industry can help you build up your business profile and gain access to hiring resources, which can be a challenge these days;
  • Extend market reach, customers, or vendor. Strategic partnerships can be particularly useful if you are looking for more effective ways to diversify into new markets or sell products or services in areas where your company doesn’t currently operate;
  • Access to capital for business expansion. A partnership, particularly with a financial investor, can provide access to capital to fund your business expansion plans, such as M&A to acquire smaller companies with competencies that complement yours. By leveraging on each other’s strengths, you can share the risks, costs, and benefits of working together; and
  • Access to new skills, resources, and expertise. By partnering with a company that specializes in certain areas such as sales or digital marketing, you can learn from their expertise and established teams and improve your own business operations.

Set your goals, objectives and targets

When you’re looking for a strategic partnership, it’s important to know what your goals are. If you don’t have clear objectives and targets, it will be difficult for others to help you achieve them. It’s also important that such a partner shares your goals and vision for success and if necessary, steer you in the right direction as they may have a different perspective on how to strategically grow the business.

You should focus on being ambitious but realistic when setting out with this process and getting excited about where it could take your business in the future.

What business owners need to be aware of

While strategic partnerships can be a great way to expand your business and grow your revenue, there are also some pitfalls that you should be aware of.

Don’t rush into a partnership with someone who isn’t right for your company. Take time to get to know the other party and make sure they share similar values, goals, and interests before making any commitments or signing any contracts. A good partner will be able to complement what you offer rather than compete with it; this is important because if they’re not compatible with what you do now or plan on doing in the future, then things may not work out as well as hoped when it comes time for each party’s contribution towards fulfilling obligations under an agreement reached between them.


There are many reasons why business owners should consider strategic partnerships as part of their growth strategy. But it’s important not to get too caught up in the hype – you have to remember that these relationships can be risky as well! Before entering into such an arrangement, you should seek professional advice to safeguard your risk and it also all comes down to knowing what type of partnership would work best for your company and finding the right partner who shares similar goals with you (and with the right chemistry between the parties!).